Which of the following factors is most likely to be a barrier to new entrant in agriculture?
Barriers to Entry to Agriculture: If stakeholders are going to address the need for new, conserva-tion-minded farmers, they must understand the barriers these farmers encounter when transitioning into the profession. A review of the literature revealed a number of barriers---most of them structural---to entry to agriculture. While each barrier is distinct, they are all interconnected. Though not an exhaustive list, the following barriers are ones that were most frequently mentioned in the literature:
- Access to Affordable Land
- Startup Capital
- Lack of Agricultural Knowledge and Experience
- Lack of Knowledge about Farm Business Planning
- Discrimination
- Student Loans
- Limited Access to Markets
- Affordable Housing and Affordable Healthcare
Source: Exploring the Barriers to Entry to Agriculture: Challenges Facing Beginning Farmers in North Carolina - Kelley Robbins-Thompson
LO 2, AC 2.2
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