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Question No: 1
User jack logs in to host solaris and then attempts to log in to host oracle using ssh. He receives the following error message:
The authenticity of host oracle ( can't be established. RSA key fingerprint is 3B:23:a5:6d:ad:a5:76:83:9c:c3:c4:55:a5:18:98:a6
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)?
Which two are true?
Answer B, DExplanation
The fingerprints are used to guard against man in the middle attacks. Since ssh logins usually work over the internet (an insecure connection), someone could hijack your connection. When you try to log into, he could get 'in the middle' and return your challenge as if he was That way, he could get hold of your login password.
To make this attack harder, ssh stores the fingerprint of the server's public key on the first connection attempt. You will see a prompt like:
The authenticity of host 'eisen (137.43.366.64)' can't be established.
RSA key fingerprint is cf:55:30:31:7f:f0:c4:a0:9a:02:1d:1c:41:cf:63:cf.
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)
When you enter yes, ssh will add the fingerprint to your known_hosts file. you will see
Warning: Permanently added 'eisen, 137.43.366.64' (RSA) to the list of known hosts.
The next time you login, ssh will check whether the host key has changed. A changing host key usually indicates a man in the middle attack, and ssh refuses to connect.
Question No: 2
The default publisher on your system is:
Which command would you choose to connect your system to the local repository?
Answer DExplanation
Solaris 11 Express makes it pretty easy to set up a local copy of the repository.
A common reason folks need access to a local repository is because their system is not connected to the Internet.
Tthe pkg set-publisher command can be used to for example add a publisher or to enable or disable a publisher.
Note: Example Adding a Publisher
Use the -g option to specify the publisher origin URI.
Use the -P option to specify a publisher as the preferred publisher. The specified publisher moves to the top of the search order. You can specify the -P option when you add a publisher or you can modify an existing publisher.
# pkg set-publisher -P
Example Enabling or Disabling a Publisher
Use the -d option to disable a publisher. The preferred publisher cannot be disabled. A disabled publisher is not used in package operations such as list and install. You can modify the properties of a disabled publishers.
Use the -e option to enable a publisher.
# pkg set-publisher -d
Question No: 3
You are using AI to install a new system. You have added to following information to the AI manifest:
<configuration type= ''zone'' name= ''dbzone''
Which statement is true with regard to the zone.cfg?