Manage Aging Methods
Your organization needs to create their own a-bucket aging method for reporting purposes.
Create a new 4-bucket Aging Method in the Collections application, where:
Name Of the aging method is XXAging Method (Replace XX with 03, which is your allocated User ID.)
Aging method is accessible to all business units
Aging buckets are 45 days apart
Last bucket is 91 days
Log in to Oracle Financials Cloud.
Click on theAging Methodsicon in theReceivableswork area.
Click on theCreatebutton.
In theAging Methodwindow, enter the following information:
Name:XXAging Method (Replace XX with your allocated user ID.)
Description:Custom aging method for reporting purposes.
Aging Buckets:
1:0 to 45 days
2:46 to 90 days
3:91 to 135 days
4:136 to 180 days
Last Bucket:181 days
Available to All Business Units:Yes
Click on theSavebutton.
The new aging method will be created.
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