What is the primary purpose of reinforcement learning?
Reinforcement learning is a type of machine learning that is based on learning from outcomes to make decisions. Reinforcement learning algorithms learn from their own actions and experiences in an environment, rather than from labeled data or explicit feedback. The goal of reinforcement learning is to find an optimal policy that maximizes a cumulative reward over time. A policy is a rule that determines what action to take in each state of the environment. A reward is a feedback signal that indicates how good or bad an action was for achieving a desired objective. Reinforcement learning involves a trial-and-error process of exploring different actions and observing their consequences, and then updating the policy accordingly. Some of the challenges and components of reinforcement learning are:
Exploration vs exploitation: Balancing between trying new actions that might lead to higher rewards in the future (exploration) and choosing known actions that yield immediate rewards (exploitation).
Markov decision process (MDP): A mathematical framework for modeling sequential decision making problems under uncertainty, where the outcomes depend only on the current state and action, not on the previous ones.
Value function: A function that estimates the expected long-term return of each state or state-action pair, based on the current policy.
Q-learning: A popular reinforcement learning algorithm that learns a value function called Q-function, which represents the quality of taking a certain action in a certain state.
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