You have written a When-Validate-Item trigger. You want this trigger to fire even if the form is in Enter-Query mode. What must you do to achieve this?
Coding Triggers for Enter-Query Mode
Some triggers that fire when the form is in Normal mode (during data entry and saving) may also be fired in Enter-Query mode. You need to consider the trigger type and actions in these cases.
''Fire in Enter-Query Mode''Property
To create a trigger that fires in Enter-Query mode, in its Property Palette set the ''Fire in Enter-Query Mode''property to Yes. This property determines whether Forms fires a trigger if the associated event occurs in Enter-Query mode. Not all triggers can do this. See last line in note below.
By default, the ''Fire in Enter-Query Mode''property is set to Yes for triggers that accept this. Set it to No in the Property Palette if you want the trigger to fire only in Normal mode.
The following triggers may fire in Enter-Query mode:
* On-Error
* On-Message
* When-triggers,
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