Identify two workflows on a ZFS Storage Appliance that are used to prepare a system for Oracle Enterprise Manager Monitoring, or to remove the artifacts created for the monitoring environment.
A: Unconfiguring Oracle Enterprise Manager Monitoring
This workflow removes artifacts created by Configure for Oracle Enterprise Manager Monitoring. Specifically, it:
Removes the oracle_agent role and user
Removes the Oracle Enterprise Manager worksheet
B: Configuring for Oracle Enterprise Manager Monitoring
This workflow is used to prepare an environment for monitoring, or to reset any of the artifacts that were created by the workflow back to their original state in the event the artifacts were changed during operation by the storage administrator. Executing this workflow makes the following changes to the system:
An oracle_agent Role Properties will be created with limited access to the system, to allow the Oracle Enterprise Manager Grid Controller agent to obtain information required for monitoring, but not to make alterations to the system. An oracle_agent user will be created and assigned this role. Use of this role and user is critical to keeping clean audit records for when and how the agent accesses the appliance.
Advanced Analytics will be enabled, makes an extended set of statistics available to all users of the Oracle ZFS Storage appliance.
The Worksheet Oracle Enterprise Manager will be created, facilitating communication between the grid controller administrator and the storage administrator. All metrics monitored by grid controller are available from this worksheet.
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