Which action invokes supply chain orchestration and transfer of data to supply chain orchestration interface tables?
What does the system do if you have not entered a count for a tag during physical inventory process?
A supply request has been received in supply chain orchestration. Both organizations belong to the same legal entity and they do not have a buy-sell relationship between them.
Which type of execution document can fulfill the supply request?
Which two tasks must be defined to set up the Facilities Schedule?
A third-party Service equipment is used for various purposes in a manufacturing facility and needs to be overhauled once a year. This equipment is charged based on its consumption without a project dependency.
At this point, it should be transferred out to the vendor's warehouse for maintenance and then returned back in the future depending upon the requirement.
The material stock transfer should happen with an offline approval and with an account alias as a logical reference.
What is the ideal way to handle this process?
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