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Oracle 1Z0-511 Exam Questions

Exam Name: Oracle E-Business Suite R12 Project Essentials
Exam Code: 1Z0-511
Related Certification(s): Oracle E-Business Suite Certification
Certification Provider: Oracle
Actual Exam Duration: 120 Minutes
Number of 1Z0-511 practice questions in our database: 70 (updated: Feb. 16, 2025)
Expected 1Z0-511 Exam Topics, as suggested by Oracle :
  • Topic 1: Describe the purposes and implementation of Revenue Budgets/ Describe the use and functions of People and Roles
  • Topic 2: Describe the purposes and implementation of Revenue Budgets/ Describe the use and implementation of Periods and Calendars
  • Topic 3: Describe the use and implementation of Expenditure Adjustments/ Projects Foundation: Implementation Options
  • Topic 4: Describe the uses and implementation of Project Types and Project Templates/ Describe the use and functioning of Organization Forecasting
  • Topic 5: Describe the use and functioning of the Inter Project Billing/ Describe the use and implementation of Transaction Controls
  • Topic 6: Describe the use and functioning of Intercompany Billing/ Describe the use and functioning of Transaction Sources
  • Topic 7: Describe the use ans implementation of Project and Organization Security/ Confirgure System implementation Options
  • Topic 8: Describe the use and functioning of Billing Extensions/ Projects Costing: Implementation Options
  • Topic 9: Integrate with other Oracle Applications/ Explain Project and Task Fundamentals
  • Topic 10: Describe the use and implementation of Allocations/ Explain Budgetary Controls and Budget Integration
  • Topic 11: Describe the use and implementation of Events/ Define Expenditure and Revenue Categories
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7 days ago
Project costing was a significant topic. Know how to set up and use cost rates, burden structures, and cost distribution methods. Thanks, Pass4Success, for the comprehensive coverage!
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16 days ago
Nailed the Oracle exam! Pass4Success made last-minute cramming possible and effective.
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21 days ago
Questions on project performance reporting were challenging. Understand key performance indicators (KPIs) and how to generate various project reports.
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25 days ago
I just cleared the Oracle E-Business Suite R12 Project Essentials exam! The Pass4Success practice questions were essential. One difficult question was about Project Costing implementation options, particularly around defining cost budgets. I wasn't entirely sure of the steps, but I passed nonetheless.
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1 months ago
Project security and access control were tested. Be familiar with project roles, responsibilities, and how to set up security for different user types.
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1 months ago
Oracle EBS R12 certified! Couldn't have done it without Pass4Success's relevant practice tests.
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2 months ago
Encountered questions on project templates. Know how to create, modify, and apply templates to streamline project setup. This saved me time during the exam!
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2 months ago
Project statuses and workflow were important. Understand the different project statuses and how they affect project processes and reporting.
upvoted 0 times


2 months ago
Happy to report that I passed the Oracle E-Business Suite R12 Project Essentials exam. Pass4Success practice questions were a great help. There was a question on Project Billing fundamentals, asking about the different billing methods. I was a bit unsure about the specifics, but I still made it through.
upvoted 0 times


2 months ago
Passed my Oracle cert today! Pass4Success questions were remarkably similar to the real thing.
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3 months ago
Project accounting was heavily tested. Know how to set up and use cost codes, expenditure types, and revenue recognition methods. Pass4Success materials covered this well!
upvoted 0 times


3 months ago
I passed the Oracle E-Business Suite R12 Project Essentials exam! The practice questions from Pass4Success were invaluable. One question that threw me off was about the implementation options in Project Foundation, specifically regarding project and task structures. I wasn't sure about the hierarchy, but I managed to get it right.
upvoted 0 times


3 months ago
Resource management questions were common. Study how to assign resources to projects, manage resource pools, and understand resource utilization concepts.
upvoted 0 times


3 months ago
Excited to announce that I passed the Oracle E-Business Suite R12 Project Essentials exam. The Pass4Success practice questions were spot on. There was a question on Project Costing fundamentals that asked about the different cost types and their applications. I had to guess a bit, but I still passed.
upvoted 0 times


3 months ago
Oracle EBS R12 exam success! Pass4Success helped me prepare efficiently.
upvoted 0 times


4 months ago
Project billing methods were a key topic. Be prepared to identify appropriate billing methods for different project scenarios. Understand cost-plus, fixed price, and time & materials billing.
upvoted 0 times


4 months ago
Encountered several questions on project budgeting. Know how to create and manage budgets, including version control and baseline processes. Pass4Success practice tests really helped me prepare!
upvoted 0 times


4 months ago
I successfully cleared the Oracle E-Business Suite R12 Project Essentials exam! Thanks to Pass4Success for their practice questions. One challenging question was about the implementation options in Project Billing, particularly around setting up billing cycles. I wasn't entirely confident in my answer, but it worked out in the end.
upvoted 0 times


4 months ago
Aced the Oracle certification! Pass4Success materials were a lifesaver for quick prep.
upvoted 0 times


5 months ago
Just passed the Oracle E-Business Suite R12 Project Essentials exam! The questions on project types were tricky. Make sure you understand the differences between contract, capital, and indirect projects.
upvoted 0 times


5 months ago
Thrilled to share that I passed the Oracle E-Business Suite R12 Project Essentials exam. The practice questions from Pass4Success were a lifesaver. There was a tricky question on Project Foundation fundamentals, asking about the key components of a project template. I had to think hard about the correct elements but still managed to pass.
upvoted 0 times


5 months ago
I just passed the Oracle E-Business Suite R12 Project Essentials exam! The Pass4Success practice questions were incredibly helpful. One question that stumped me was about the different implementation options available in Project Costing. Specifically, it asked about setting up cost allocation rules. I wasn't entirely sure about the correct sequence, but I managed to get through it.
upvoted 0 times


5 months ago
Just passed the Oracle EBS R12 Project Essentials exam! Thanks Pass4Success for the spot-on practice questions.
upvoted 0 times


7 months ago
My exam experience was successful as I passed the Oracle E-Business Suite R12 Project Essentials exam. The topics of Revenue Budgets and Periods and Calendars were crucial for the exam. I remember a question about the functions of People and Roles that I found challenging. Can you provide more information on how People and Roles are utilized in Oracle E-Business Suite R12 Project Essentials?
upvoted 0 times


8 months ago
Just passed the Oracle E-Business Suite R12 Project Essentials exam! Watch out for questions on project billing methods – understanding cost-plus and fixed-price contracts is crucial. Study the differences in revenue recognition between these methods. Thanks to Pass4Success for the spot-on practice questions that helped me prepare efficiently!
upvoted 0 times


8 months ago
I passed the Oracle E-Business Suite R12 Project Essentials exam with the help of Pass4Success practice questions. The exam covered topics such as Revenue Budgets and People and Roles. One question that I was unsure of was related to the implementation of Revenue Budgets. Can you explain how Revenue Budgets are used in Oracle E-Business Suite R12 Project Essentials?
upvoted 0 times

Free Oracle 1Z0-511 Exam Actual Questions

Note: Premium Questions for 1Z0-511 were last updated On Feb. 16, 2025 (see below)

Question #1

Which project class type can include revenue budgets?

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Correct Answer: C


* Allow Revenue Budget Entry. Indicates if you allow entry of revenue budget types. You may choose to not allow entry of revenue budgets for indirect or capital projects. You must enter a revenue budget for a contract project before it can accrue revenue and be billed.

Question #2

An organization has specific departments that manage capital projects. How would you ensure that only these departments own capital projects?

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Correct Answer: B

1. If you enable the Project Task Owning Organization classification, you must also specify the additional organization information for the classification as follows:

a. Place your cursor on the Project Task Owning Organization classification.

b. Select the Others button.

c. In the Additional Organization Information window, place your cursor in the Project Type Class Information field.

d. In the Project Type Class Information window, enter information for the following fields:

Allow Entry Of Indirect Projects: Select Yes from if you want this organization to own indirect projects.

Allow Entry of Capital Projects: Select Yes from if you want this organization to own capital projects.

Allow Entry of Contract Projects: You must select Yes.

Note: You must select Yes, even though you cannot create contract projects in Oracle Grants Accounting. Oracle Grants Accounting uses contract projects to process revenue and invoices for awards. Oracle Grants Accounting uses an underlying award project to process revenue and invoices. The award project is a contract class project.

e. In the Project Type Class Information window, select the OK button.

f. In the Additional Organization Information window, select the OK button.

g. In the Forms dialog box that asks you if you want to save the changes you have made, select the Yes button to save your work.

Question #3

An organization has agreed to bill rates based on a person's job, which are updated annually. The rates are recorded on a default bill rate schedule that is attached to each project. An employee has and HR assignment job of Consultant. However, the employee is temporarily working on a project as a Project Manager. What is the correct way to ensure that the employee's time is billed correctly?

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Correct Answer: D

Job Assignment Overrides

You can override both an employee's job assignment and an employee's billing title for this project or lowest level task.

When you override an employee's job assignment, the new job assignment determines bill rates for the employee's billing on this project or lowest task (if this task uses job bill rates). You can choose any active job in the Oracle Applications database.

When you override an employee's primary billing title, the new billing title appears on future invoices for this employee's billing (if this project's labor invoice format displays an employee billing title).

Any job assignment override you enter for this project or lowest task takes precedence over any project job assignment override.

Question #4

An organization has specific departments that manage capital projects. How would you ensure that only these departments own capital projects?

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Correct Answer: B

1. If you enable the Project Task Owning Organization classification, you must also specify the additional organization information for the classification as follows:

a. Place your cursor on the Project Task Owning Organization classification.

b. Select the Others button.

c. In the Additional Organization Information window, place your cursor in the Project Type Class Information field.

d. In the Project Type Class Information window, enter information for the following fields:

Allow Entry Of Indirect Projects: Select Yes from if you want this organization to own indirect projects.

Allow Entry of Capital Projects: Select Yes from if you want this organization to own capital projects.

Allow Entry of Contract Projects: You must select Yes.

Note: You must select Yes, even though you cannot create contract projects in Oracle Grants Accounting. Oracle Grants Accounting uses contract projects to process revenue and invoices for awards. Oracle Grants Accounting uses an underlying award project to process revenue and invoices. The award project is a contract class project.

e. In the Project Type Class Information window, select the OK button.

f. In the Additional Organization Information window, select the OK button.

g. In the Forms dialog box that asks you if you want to save the changes you have made, select the Yes button to save your work.

Question #5

You have imported Labor transactions into Oracle Projects from Oracle Time and Labor by running the "PRC: Transaction Import" program. What is the correct sequence to run the concurrent programs listed below to transfer the cost and accounting entries of these transactions to General Ledger?

1. PRC: Distribute Labor Cost

2.PRC: Transfer Journal Entries to GL

3.PRC: Create Accounting (with the Transfer to GL option set to "No")

4.PRC: Interface Labor Costs to GL

5.PRC: Generate Cost Accounting Events

6.PRC: Distribute and Interface tabor costs to GL

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Correct Answer: C

The following activities take place as part of the expenditures process flow for labor costs:

1. Run the process PRC: Distribute Labor Costs. This process calculates the raw and burden cost components for labor cost expenditure items. It also uses AutoAccounting to determine the default debit account for each expenditure item.

2. Run the process PRC: Generate Cost Accounting Events. This process uses AutoAccounting to determine the default credit account for each expenditure item. It also generates accounting events for distributed transactions. You can optionally select Labor Cost as the process category to limit the process to labor costs.

3. Run the process PRC: Create Accounting. This process creates subledger journal entries for eligible accounting events. You can run the process in either draft or final mode. You can optionally select Labor Cost as the process category to limit the process to labor cost accounting events. Optionally, the process can post journal entries in Oracle General Ledger.

If you define your own detailed accounting rules in Oracle Subledger Accounting, then Oracle Subledger Accounting overwrites default accounts, or individual segments of accounts, that Oracle Projects derives using AutoAccounting.

4. Run the process PRC: Transfer Journal Entries to GL. When you run the process PRC: Create Accounting, if you select No for the parameter Transfer to GL, then you run the process PRC: Transfer Journal Entries to GL to transfer the final subledger journal entries from Oracle Subledger Accounting to Oracle General Ledger. You can optionally select Labor Cost as the process category to limit the process to labor cost accounting events. Optionally, the process can post journal entries in Oracle General Ledger.

5. Run Journal Import in Oracle General Ledger. (optional) This process brings the final accounting entries from Oracle Subledger Accounting into Oracle General Ledger.

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