This is easy peasy! A) Deactivate other versions and C) Reactivate other versions. Although, I do like the idea of exporting them, just in case I need to go back in time and see what the old versions looked like. You never know when that might come in handy!
I'm feeling lucky, so I'm going with B) Delete other versions and D) Export other versions. You know, just to be different. Who knows, maybe the exam writers are looking for some out-of-the-box thinking!
I see where you're coming from, but I would stick with the more traditional choices. A) Deactivate other versions and C) Reactivate other versions seem like the correct answers.
Ha, this is a trick question! The correct answers are A) Deactivate other versions and C) Reactivate other versions. Duh, everyone knows you don't delete the old versions, you just lock them down. That's like Template 101!
Hmm, I'm going with A) Deactivate other versions and B) Delete other versions. Why keep old versions around when you can just get rid of them, right? Who needs all that clutter!
I think the correct options are A) Deactivate other versions and C) Reactivate other versions. Deleting other versions doesn't seem like a good idea, and exporting them is not a common action for this scenario.
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